Project details

Sports City | Madh

With around 50 acres of the plot area and 3 acres of built-up area, this site is perfect for the people of a dense city like Mumbai to experience an enhanced, flexible and technologically advanced and sustainably efficient stadium. Our design includes a four-zone planning methodology –

The Event Zone – includes the stadium, racing tracks, an indoor basketball court, a swimming pool and a boxing rink.

The Sports Zone – includes badminton courts, kabaddi ground, outdoor basketball courts, a hockey ground, a football court, lawn tennis courts, cricket pitches for practice, volleyball court and an archery court.

The Public Zone – includes cycle parking, play area, amphitheater, Zen garden, public plaza, a flower garden and mound seatings. The Semi-public Zone – includes a running track, a cycling track, some commercial shops and a public plaza.

The stadium is also designed to accommodate a variety of uses that go beyond sports. Overall, this sports city will act as a disconnect from the everbusy city life of the people of Mumbai.

  • Plot Area: 50 acres
  • Built-up: 3 acres
  • Scope : Architecture, landscape & Branding
  • Stage : Approval